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Encounters with Hungarian



still no internet

the IT folks (or folk, maybe just one person) came by yesterday to fix things but they are not fixed. i need an ipo address which has to be assigned by the service provider. have no idea why the old one wont do, but it seems to have vanished. so no internet, just from the school, which is slow and i have to share it with others.

in the meantime i despair of getting the 10th and 11th graders to do anything but sit like lumps. each day is just d r a i n i n g.

had a dream/thought-struggle early this AM
could not remember the word for NINE in hungarian
kept counting 1 through eight, then blank, then 10
over and over again
then at 4:30 the alarm went off and into my head popped
that was it! it was there all along, it just wouldn't come to the surface.
tomorrow we do the bureaucraczy run. hoping for smooth sailing, but hopes are not high.

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