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Encounters with Hungarian



Hungarian tv porn and other fantasies

Sunday 24 Jan 2010 around 7:30 AM

So now the mouse is installed and it works fine and I have just spent an hour or more I think more combing through the kitchen and sorting stuff out. I know Carla threw out a bunch of stuff before she left but I am going to throw out more as well-- scratched and dinged baking pans, coated sauté pans with the coating all rubbed out, plus I am not going to keep any of the readymix chocolate drinks she had, I would just explode if I kept them.

I have been putzing around and still feel I am not making all that much progress, but yes now finally I do see some logic o the pantry which is great. And it must be time for the SPAR grocery to be open so I can get some more milk. I am drinking this with 1.5% and boy I can tell the difference even with just that 0.5 missing. The coffee has an edge of grittiness—not that it is bad, it is just disconcerting.

I am of a mind to go back to Tatabanya today and go see Avatar dubbed in Hungarian. What the hell. It’s all about the graphic art anyway, right? If I had internet (which, if I may be so crass as to make a point of it, I don’t, at least not yet, I keep telling myself I won’t get upset until around next Wednesday), but if I did I could look up stuff on the internet and have the plot line down pat before I went o see the film, but I can’t do that, so….

So I sit here wondering if it is worth it… $4.50 for bus ride there and back, another $7 or so for the movie ticket, figure $12 total cost. Hmm, I still might do it.

Before she left Carla mentioned that the late night TV has a porn channel, and yes I have been up late—I go to b ed at 8 oe so, wake up at 1, am up for a couple of hours, then go back at 2:30 or 3 and sleep till 5:30. So I turned on the TV and there it was, how booooooooring, I mean it is graphic and all but it is such cookie cutter stuff… man on couch with bandage on head, woman walks in wearing “nurses” uniform , has to check him out, yes, shirt off yes yes trousers off hmm what is this oh my and look it is getting bigger… but no “chemistry” whatever between the persons, it is so mechanical that I simply cannot watch it for more than a minute or two to see if there is EVER going to be any plot development (I know, as much chance as ice cubes on the sun), so I flip on over to CNN British Style (which is paying a lot of attention to Abu Dhabi these days, maybe because the country is advertising on the network???) or if I am unusually lucky I hit the bbc channel at an off moment when it is not showing the Weakest Link or Antiques Roadshow. `Last night I just gave up and composed the entry about my Saturday adventures—only I left out my moment of paranoia on the bus.

So there I am on the bus and I hear these voices behind me, female, and I swear I hear them saying “Bob” “Bobby” and “Fuck” over and over and my mind whirls and I can only think that they must be students from my 13th grade class where I spent some time explaining the various stages of nicknames in English (in my case the age distinction between Bobby and Bob) and the social settings in which “fuck” is and is not appropriate, but of course they were no more my students than the trees alongside the lake and I was taking snippets of conversation and weaving them into a fantasy inside my head.

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