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Encounters with Hungarian



will no one rid me of this meddlesome snow

It is one thing when it falls gently, hangs on the branches till midmorning, then drops and melts. Last Thursday was a wonderland. Then Friday took over, dropped another five inches, but not nicely, no. This was a bitter, angry snow that bit hard and wouldn't let go. It stayed on thru Saturday, made friends with the wind, and crusted over. Foot and vehicle traffic had no effect--it just got more and more solid, more and more slick.

It worked its way into my apartment, too. Not directly, but it soured my mood, made me edgy and fretful, fitful and jumpy. So now I have a ruined keyboard, one filled with the residue of tea and milk and sugar, one I cannot clean up because i need a micro phillips screwdriver to open up the base, which i have not.

Today only somewhat better; no spills, did make it to store before closing time (got there 3 min too late yesterday, another problem), and a least I have made some progress with the homework, which will probably take 8-10 hrs to finish grading.

22 periods, 15 different groups, x avg of 16 per class= 240 different papers at 2.5 minutes each equals 600 minutes = 10 hrs of grading = aaarrrggghhh.

and miles to go before I sleep

1 comment:

  1. Sounds a little like "Who is Harry Kellerman". Just found out where you were. Brian told us about the blog.

    Gary Cope
