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Encounters with Hungarian



men never ask for directions

Of course it helps if you can speak at least a few words in the language, which i cant. I spent about 45 minutes wandering around in circles trying to locate a gallery that was supposed to be only about 50 yards from a major grocery store. No luck. I had told one of my colleagues that I would try to meet her and her husband there at a concert of Irish music (hungarian musicians, irish music, yes). No such luck. And even if i had had the words available, i'm not sure i would have had any success. Is there a place around here called a gallery? it's supposed to be some kind of art gallery and there is apparently a concert going on there tonight. and it's supposed to be around here somewhere.

Yeah. Right.

Well, I at least got a good walk in. Now it's time to start grading homework, have a bite to eat, make some tea, and be productive.

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