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Encounters with Hungarian



6th period really sucks

I guess it is natural to the system, to any system. The day is close to over, students are hungry, they are anxious to catch the bus, get home, get lunch, decompress. The 1 o'clock class today was moody, bitchy, lethargic, desultory. I was afraid that 5th period would start out that way... it began with a couple of students (including one who is normally diligent) getting distracted over a new bracelet. But somehow things started to click, and they got the hang of what I was trying to get them to do, and they began to get into it a bit more, and then there was some real progress. I could see how the dynamic was working--they were in groups of five, and the stronger students were coaching the less strong ones, formulating English sentences, working over them, refining pronunciation, so that everyone in the group would put on a "good show."

Not so the sixth period, not so.
Though I did cajole them and remonstrate\
they did not respond.
Though I did model for them and beseech\
they were as those who were unaware.
Though I did shake and thunder as from on high\
they were as one who has seen it all.
And now, saith the Teacher, they shall see the wrath I have prepared\
for those who disdain my words,
Who listen not to the words of my lips nor the instructions of my mind.
They shall be as those who are dandelions.
The puff shall be puffed and the blow shall be blown\
And they shall scatter like the leaves before the wind
When the Quiz of the Teacher descends upon them
POP, like the corn in the hot pan.

1 comment:

  1. takes me back to German class at Reagan High School, how were those classes? No snow at least. How long did you teach there? Covering for Frau ________?
