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Encounters with Hungarian



what i am doing for christmas

Well , let's start with Thanksgiving. Nothing.
There is some small print in the deal thing that I have with the school that I am supposed to get two days off at Thanksgiving, but I just cannot see that. First, where would I go? Secondly, it would just be a burden for my colleagues, because they would have to cover my classes at school, which just piles things onto them and makes a horrendous wreck out of the schedule. Besides, I might get a chance to talk about Thanksgiving at school.

Christmas is the same story as Thanksgiving, ie nothing , except....

I am doing two things over the Christmas break. Well, only one thing, really, but on two different occasions. Last day of classes is Tuesday the 21st. And on the 23rd there is a performance of the Magic Flute in Budapest. So I went online and bought 30 tickets. There will be 29 students who will receive from me an envelope with a ticket to the performance, two tickets for the Budapest metro, and 1500 forint to cover their train/bus whatever ticket from home to Budapest.

Then a few days later i have some tickets to La Boheme, same drill. The Flute will be playing at the Vígszinház, which is sort of like the Ópera Comique in Paris, a venue mostly for lighter fare, but Boheme will be at the standard opera house. Assuming of course, that it actually turns out to be La Boheme. I won't be especially surprised if they substitute Rigoletto . Hey, they've done it before!

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