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Encounters with Hungarian



is this how hungary works?

I have two class sections for British Culture. We meet on alternate days, M/T W/H. So i teach one group material on Monday, try to cover the same stuff on Tuesday with group 2, and so on.

so a physics teacher is not in school. The two Brit Cult classes are combined for physics. Solution... Do not teach my regular class on Thursday, instead combine both classes during the physics hour.

When do i find this out? 15 minutes before class time.

How do I manage, not well. Because if i do what i intended to do with group 2, group 1 is going to be bored out of its skull. And with 30 people in class, 15 are going to start talking and muttering and any real teaching will be impossible or next to it

I went to the opera yesterday. Fidelio. Got the libretto online, printed it out, studied it, read it on the train on the way down, got to the opera, curtain goes up. Rigoletto, not fidelio. HUH. Oh, list minute change for "technical" reasons. Sorry bout that. I can get a refund. Right. 500 forint refund after I had paid 3000 in getting there by train and metro, plus the 3 hrs travel time.

Wasn't prepared for Rigoletto, dont know it that well, have never seen it performed before, only heard exerpts, so was hard pressed to follow the action exactly, getting some but not much help from the hungarian surtitles.

So we get to La donna e mobile, and the tenor screws up the high D at the end. OK, that's it, i just left and went home. Like that. Didnt bother anyone on the way out since I had decided to stand at the rear and watch, just in case I wanted to make an exit. Which I did.

The particularly bright kids at school, the ones who are constantly expanding their horizons on the internet and who complain that nearly all of their classes consist simply of memorizing lists of information, uniformly tell me that their aim is to get an education and leave Hungary.

There has to be as solution somewhere. I hope I am part of it, but maybe I am just contributing to the brain drain.

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