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Encounters with Hungarian



Visiting Segesvár. aka Sässburg. aka Sigisoara

1Vlad's house

2. Fortified German church at very top of the hill

3 main square as seen from covered stairway leading up to fortified church

4 Base of the hill looking toward the clock tower

5 Heading down the hill, view of city toward the north

 Went by train, which left Udvarhely at 5:45 AM!  Cobblestone streets were A. steep B. icy C. dangerous.  Food was problematic, had upset everything for 24 hrs.  I think it was just overloaded with lard.   Oh.. Train trip of about 35 miles took one hour and forty minutes.  But i do think I will return once it warms up, probsably mid april.  Lots of good photo ops.  Will add more pics later once i figure out how to upload them.

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