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Encounters with Hungarian



What it takes to get a classroom ready

So today I meet up with Feri, the school's technician, to go shopping for a TV, DVD player, and carpet. He has a car, so the plan is to go to Tesco, the Wallmart-clone here in Tata for the first two, then to a store in Tatabánya for the carpet. Berci is along to help with communication issues.

So we get to Tesco. TVs are on display, but none is on. Feri wants to look up the specs on a TV that is on display. No manual. OK, so we get a clerk to open up a box of a new set and we look over the manual. Then they hook up a dvd to the tv so we can check it out. But we are informed that the dvd player is pretty poor quality, so the images we see may not be very good. A program starts up and we can see what the set is like. So we ask to see the image on a TV next to that one. Fumble fumble, but then on comes set #2, and the image is pale, washed out. OK, we want set #1, good deal. And we get a DVD player to take along with us.

Off to the checkout. Total is 160K.. wait, only supposed to be 140 K, what gives? Double check. OH, there is a mistake. What, is this not the same TV we looked at Yes, but the price posted is for model number 350D, not 350C. Unfortunately the more expenisve model was on display but it was posted with the less expensive price. I look at Berci and he knows what I am about to say, but I say it anyway. Typical Hungarian.

If I had any servicible knowledge of the the language I would be calling for the store manager and telling him in no uncertain words about my displeasure. Berci tells me to chill, the people are apologetic. Ultimately we wind up with a satisfactory TV and we are on our way to the carpet store.

It takes only a few minutes of discussion and looking around till we find what I want. It is a carpet that is designed for hallways and corridors, very often used in movie theaters. There is a built-in sound-absorbing cushion under the weave. Also they will be able to do it to our size and add a seamed edge to it so that it will look nice.

They want 50% down on the order, but I don't have 20K on me, just 16K. Fine, they will take the 16K as deposit, delivery will be in a couple of days to the school.

So after we got back I went to Hajni, the finance manager, explained the situation to her, promised to bring her cash tomorrow AM so she would have it on hand to pay the carpet folk when they make the delivery.

Tomorrow I am doing another mini-train/bike trip. This time to Komarno, the Slovakian town just across the Danube north of here. One of my students will meet me at the station on his bike, and we will cross the bridge and go into the town together for a look see, a stop at a cafe, whatever.

Gotta remember to bring my camera again.

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