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Encounters with Hungarian



On Conversation and Salvation

Email to an American friend

so infequently do i have a chance to just talk
i mean
without strings
i walk a lot
it isn't real exercise
like racquetball
like tonight
about 2 miles to dinner
about 2 miles back
maybe 1.5
i am all sweaty

but it was a good dinner
and good conversation
and i learned some things
and the wine was excellent
and so
as i was walking back home
i quoted Goethe to myself

Wer immer strebend sich bemueht
Den koennen wir erloesen
protestant work ethic
salvation lies in work
in struggle
in keeping on, plugging on, slogging on
i am not like the Witnesses, who KNOW that they are saved
nor the Jews, who KNOW they are Chosen
but the only hope i have is in
doing what i am doing right now
which is working to help these kids learn english
because, believe me,
without english they are screwed
not necessarily BIG TIME
but screwed nonetheless
I keep at it

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